Be an ally to those exploring their gender identity.
- Appreciate their trust in coming out to you.
- Everyone's timeline to understand and accept is different.
- Remain open to their perspective and lived experiences.
- Don't try to change them.
- Help them find community and peer support.
- Understand how their gender identity exploration may be part of a broader endeavor of finding their place in the world.
- Take care of yourself, but be respectful.
- Do your research and use your resources.
A couple of books to help with research:
"The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes" by Diane Ehrensaft, PhD, with foreword by Norma Spack, MD
"The Gender Quest Workbook: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity" by Rylan Jay Testa, PhD, and Deborah Coolhart, PhD