Gender identity

Gender identity exploration

Gender identity is a person's internal sense of their own gender. It is not necessarily tied to one's genitalia, reproductive organs, hormones, chromosomes, and other biological factors.

Be an ally to those exploring their gender identity.

  1. Appreciate their trust in coming out to you.
  2. Everyone's timeline to understand and accept is different.
  3. Remain open to their perspective and lived experiences.
  4. Don't try to change them.
  5. Help them find community and peer support.
  6. Understand how their gender identity exploration may be part of a broader endeavor of finding their place in the world.
  7. Take care of yourself, but be respectful.
  8. Do your research and use your resources.

A couple of books to help with research:

"The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes" by Diane Ehrensaft, PhD, with foreword by Norma Spack, MD

"The Gender Quest Workbook: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity" by Rylan Jay Testa, PhD, and Deborah Coolhart, PhD